Cough is a common complaint among children. It is also rather contagious and can be a cause of infection. Sore throat, on the other hand, is just as contagious. Both conditions can severely hamper your child’s ability to speak clearly, making it hard for them to participate in conversations or communicate with others. Of course, you want your child to improve as soon as possible. So we’ve assembled a list of natural toddlers’ cough and sore throat remedies you can use at home to help him feel better and avoid any chance of picking up an illness from other kids.
Remedy 1: Alternate Between Warm and Cool Drinks.

One of the best remedies for a sore throat and cough due to a cold is to alternate between warm and cool drinks (not for children under the age of one year). Warm drinks will soothe your throat, while cold ones will help you cough up phlegm.
Start by giving your toddler a drink of warm tea with honey. Next, have your toddler take sips from a drink that is going to be cold, like water or juice popsicles. Both the warm honey tea and sips from the cold drink will soothe your little one’s throat. This alternation can help keep his throat moist and reduce the irritation caused by the croupy cough. Pectin (used in cough drops and throat lozenges) helps coat your throat to help relieve irritation and swelling. Pears, apples, guava and grapes are natural sources of pectin. If you’re having him take sips of orange juice (which has fructose), switch out for apple juice (which has pectin).
This remedy may also decrease the severity of their coughing fits, especially if they are coughing due to nighttime allergies. In addition, it helps keep the airway open, so your child can breathe easier and cough less.
Honey is also known as “nature’s antibiotic”, which means it has antibacterial properties that fight infection at its source (by killing bacteria). Honey has been used throughout history as an anti-fungal agent when applied directly on the skin or taken internally by mouth. In addition, it can help relieve inflammation caused by asthma attacks and improve overall health because it contains antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.
Another common way of alternating warm and cool drinks is by taking warm water, honey or lemon juice (or any other thing that works). Next, add some cinnamon powder or cayenne pepper and pour it into a glass of milk (or any other liquid). Then drink it slowly until it has cooled down completely before drinking another one! Try doing this at least once every hour during the day.
By alternating between warm and cold drinks throughout the day, you’ll make it easier for them to keep hydrated without getting sick from drinking too much water at once (which could cause dehydration)
You can also use the warming properties of honey to help soothe your toddler’s throat. Warm up some milk, add a few drops of honey and a little lemon juice, stir it together and let your child drink it slowly. This mix will help relieve any pain or discomfort they may be experiencing while coughing up phlegm or mucus in their throat.
Remedy 2: Night Time Allergies.

If your toddler is coughing due to nighttime allergies, this remedy may also decrease the severity of their coughing fits. When children experience respiratory issues at night and cannot sleep through them because they’re constantly waking up or having nightmares about being sick and feeling weak, they’re likely suffering from some upper respiratory infection (URI).
Nighttime allergies can cause coughing fits in both kids and adults alike. However, children tend to be more susceptible since their immune system isn’t fully developed. Hence, they have less resistance against bacteria found in common allergens such as dust mites or pet dander. This scenario contributes directly towards URI symptoms such as sneezing/coughing fits (as well as sinus congestion).
Remedy 3: Having A Hard Time Swallowing
Most toddlers have difficulty swallowing, so it’s important to keep them hydrated. The best way to treat sore throats in a toddler is by giving them plenty of fluids via breast milk or formula (or even plain water) until their symptoms subside. They may also want something sweet like ice cream or yoghurt if they feel miserable enough; however, avoid giving them candy because sugar can worsen an illness like this.
Caution: A Sore Throat Is A Symptom of A Cold
The first thing to remember about sore throat is that it’s one of the symptoms of a cold. In addition, a child will usually have a fever, runny nose and red eyes. If your child has one of these conditions without any other signs or symptoms, then they may just be suffering from a mild case of flu. However, suppose you notice any other symptoms along with these common ones (like coughing). Then, you should consult your doctor immediately to rule out anything serious, like pneumonia or meningitis.
Call the paediatrician if your child is having trouble breathing, drinking fluids, or vomiting more than once a day for more than 24 hours. Also, call the paediatrician if the cough or sore throat lasts more than a week and does not improve after two weeks of antibiotics.
It can be frustrating when your toddlers’ cough lingers for an extended period. You may have already tried many over-the-counter medications, but they are not working as well as they should. These natural remedies are safe and effective but always talk with your doctor before taking any new medicine or supplement for a toddler with a cough or sore throat.
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